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How the Collection Protection Group puts YOU in control when dealing with your creditors:

The Collection Protection Group uses a modular approach to protecting you and your assets from creditor collection activities.  Each module serves a particular purpose and they work together synergistically to form the most effective creditor control program available.

Asset Protection

Creditor Deterrence
Telephone Privacy
Collections Response
Credit Restoration

Don’t let creditors invade your life and your privacy—put up your shield of protection with the Collection Protection Group
Call 1-800-694-8180 now for more information on how you can become a member.

Disclaimer: Our program provides asset protection, creditor deterrence and response to creditor demands and law-suits. We do not hold money in trust for the purpose of paying your creditors, nor do we negotiate with creditors on your behalf. Our goal is to position you to be able to negotiate a favorable settlement with your creditors when and if you choose by using the negotiating leverage created by the Collection Protection Group.

FREE DOWNLOAD Get your free copy of the newly updated, edition of How to Stop Debt Collectors Cold, What Your Creditors, Collection Agencies, and Credit Card Companies Don’t Want You to Know
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